Statewide Organizations
211 is a number you can call for confidential help for everyday needs and difficult times. Vermont 2-1-1, a program of the United Ways of Vermont, is a health and human services information and referral program available for everyone in Vermont. Call Specialists provide a human touch, help solve problems, and link individuals and families with local, statewide, regional and nationwide resources. Learn about government benefits and services, non-profit organizations, support groups, volunteer opportunities, donation programs, and other local resources.
Bright Futures Information System is the Child Development Division’s website for parents and child care providers to get answers to questions about child care, preschool, afterschool care, and the services available to help ensure that high quality child care is available to every child in Vermont who needs it.
Bright Futures Information System – Course Calendar provides a list of early childhood courses and workshops available around the State. Click on “Resources” then click on “Course Calendar.”
Building Bright Futures seeks to assure that all Vermont children are healthy and successful by improving the quality, affordability and accessibility of services for families with children under the age of six in the areas of health, early care and education. As a public/private partnership, Building Bright Futures links community-based planning and program development with a state-level Council charged with creating an integrated system of services.
Child Development Division’s goal is to increase accessibility to high-quality child development services. This is done by working with programs within communities to coordinate and deliver services that meet families’ needs.
Community Child Care Support Agencies help families find child care providers and apply for child care financial assistance. These agencies also provide support and training to child care professionals in their area. Each of the 12 organizations is a member of Vermont Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies. VACCRRA members share a common commitment to the development and support of high quality child care options for Vermont children and their families. This map shows which agency serves each community in Vermont.
You can also call 1-877-705-9008 to be directed to the agency that can best help you.
Let’s Grow Kids is a public awareness and engagement campaign about the important role that high-quality, affordable child care play in supporting the healthy development of Vermont’s children and the prosperity of our economy now and in the future.
Northern Lights Career Development Center is the place to get help with professional development for early childhood and afterschool staff across the state. Call 802-828-2800 or visit their website for more information.
Vermont Coalition of Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs (VCRHYP) creates a statewide safety net for youth in need by supporting a network of runaway and homeless youth programs throughout Vermont.
Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children is an affiliate of the National Association for Education of Young Children, the nation’s largest membership organization for early childhood professionals. Our membership is open to anyone who cares about the education and well-being of young children. We are primarily early childhood practitioners, including but not limited to teachers, directors, family homecare providers, elementary school teachers, administrators, special educators, Head Start staff, representatives of post-secondary education, government agency representatives, parents, and members of the medical profession.
Vermont’s Early Childhood Alliance is a statewide coalition of organizations, businesses and individuals who are committed to ensuring that Vermont’s children get the best possible start. By means of constant public education, tireless grassroots organizing, skillful advocacy and ongoing leadership development activities, the Alliance is working to: empower people to speak out on behalf of children; strengthen policies that make our early childhood system work better for children and families; ensure that key decision-makers make children’s health, care, and education a top priority.
Voices for Vermont’s Children promotes public policy that enhances the lives of children and youth in Vermont. Voices addresses the full spectrum of child, youth and family issues – from child care and access to health care coverage for children and youth to juvenile justice and child welfare.