Other Ways to Get Involved
Help LFC do the work! Volunteer to help with the Holiday Project, trail maintenance on the Story Stroll and/or events for the community. For more information on how to get involved, contact our Development Director Julia Skonicki at jskonicki@lamoillefamilycenter.org or 802-888-5229 x125
Be a networker and a matchmaker. Help us connect with other individuals, businesses, or foundations who might be interested in supporting our work. Tell your friends about us, suggest that they visit, ask them to like our Facebook Page. Click here to like us on Facebook.
Gifts in Honor or Memory
Instead of shopping for that impossible to buy for person, make a donation to the Family Center in their name. Rather than buy a gift, you can honor them with a donation to celebrate a birthday, Mother’s Day, anniversary, bar mitzvah or holiday. In lieu of flowers, you can honor a loved one’s life by directing memorial gifts.
Planned Gifts
Include us in your legacy of caring. Make a bequest in your will, give a gift of stock, or name us as a beneficiary in a retirement fund or insurance plan. Your thoughtful planning can enable us to continue to provide families with services, education and assistance in the years to come. If you’d like to discuss these options, contact our Development Director, Julia Skonicki at jskonicki@lamoillefamilycenter.org or at 802-888-5229 x 125