Child Care Financial Assistance
Child care financial assistance is a payment that helps eligible families with the cost of child care. Payments are made directly to child care providers. This program is funded through the Agency of Human Services, Department of Children and Families, Child Development Division.
Eligibility information and link to application:
In order to be eligible for the child care financial assistance program, a family must have a reason (service need) for child care and have income within the established guidelines.
To view the State’s subsidy rates: CCFAP-Capped-Rates
For current income guidelines: CCFAP-Income-Guidelines
Download a child care (subsidy) financial assistance application: CCFAP-Application Please complete the form, include required documentation and mail or drop off to the Lamoille Family Center 480 Cady’s Falls Road Morrisville, VT 05661.
Acceptable service needs and required documentation:
Employment is defined as any activity for which a primary caretaker receives compensation of at least minimum wage. Two current consecutive pay stubs are required. If you have just begun working a new job and have not yet received two full pay checks, complete the CCFAP-Verification-Employment form to be completed by you and your employer.
Self-employment is any approved business activity that nets a monthly income equivalent to Vermont minimum wage for the number of hours worked. Copies of your most recent tax filing may be required. Click the appropriate title for the Profit and Loss and CCFAP-Self-Employment forms.
Training or Education
Training is any activity that is likely to lead to employment within one year of completion of the activity. Reach Up activities are included. Verification of enrollment is required. Volunteer work and Post-Baccalaureate education are not eligible activities. Click here to access Training Plan Form: CCFAP-Training
Seeking Employment
Seeking employment is limited to a total of 3 months. CCFAP-Seeking-Employment
Special Health Need/Parent
If you are medically incapacitated, a Special Health Needs form may be completed by an MD, Nurse Practitioner (NP), Physician’s Assistant (PA) or state licensed psychologist.
Special Health Need/Child
Under special circumstances, Specialized Child Care Services may also be available. For more detailed information about Specialized Child Care Services, click here.
For more information about the Child Care Financial Assistance Program:
- Families with last names beginning with letters A – B, call 802-730-7806 or click here to email program staff.
- Families with last names beginning with letters C – L, call 802-730-7774 or click here to email program staff.
- Families with last names beginning with letters M – Z, call 802-730-7693 or click here to email program staff.
To download the Child Care Financial Assistance Program brochure, click here.
For more information on the Child Care Financial Assistance Program or other services through the Child Development Division, http://dcf.vermont.gov/cdd